Individuals are desperate to find new ways to lead and add value in a ridiculously crowded market! Just being good at what you do doesn’t cut it today! People have to know you exist and you need to know how to communicate your ideas and intentions in an engaging way!
In this engaging and illuminating presentation you and your team will discover how to:
This outstanding and enlightening presentation will allow your team to develop a Zen Master presence and remain, cool, calm and collected regardless of the pressure.
You’ll discover how to:
Use Psychological Triggers to influence decisions.
Avoid the 3 mistakes that will sabotage customer loyalty without you even realizing what’s happening.
Trust the intuitive thought process in dealing with ambiguity, inconsistency, novelty, and surprise to integrate action for interrelated problems and accurate decision making.
Use the One Minute Presentation that works time and time again!
Use the Fatal Four to catapult your business to a new level and to go from panic to power.
Condition yourself for equanimity.
Accurately profile your client to cut to the chase.
Intuition unleashes your people’s talent and creativity and drives new value and differentiation in the marketplace.
This diverse and challenging presentation will shake up your organization and teach your leaders and staff how to:
Create a culture of innovation and discover new ideas that will grow your company.
See the big picture.
Use success strategies of today’s most effective leaders.
Trust “gut” instinct for making crunch time decisions that win.
Combine gut feel with systematic analysis, quantified data and thoughtfulness.
Use visualization to gain the competitive edge and create unmatched performance.
Understand why it’s critical to trust your intuition and why is it so important.
“I rely far more on gut instinct than researching huge amounts of statistics.” Richard Branson/Founder of Virgin Airlines & Virgin Records.
“Intuition often turns dreams into demonstrable fact.” Buckminster Fuller/Futurist, Architect & Inventor
“I’ve built a multi-billion empire by using my intuition. Here I’m letting my instincts tell me how we have to work together to build the America we deserve. I stand for getting things done.” Donald Trump/American Business Magnate
“Learn to let your intuition – gut instinct – tell you when the food, the relationship, the job isn’t good for you (and conversely, when what you’re doing is just right).” Oprah Winfrey/Billionaire & Television Celebrity
Because reality shows like the ever popular Survivor, team building simulations are in demand for companies that offer their employees an entertaining training session that provides thought provoking education in leadership, team building and management.
Marooned will whisk your team away to the South Pacific on a cruise ship that stops at an uninhabited island with a beautiful beach and uncharted mountain terrain.
Your team members become the vacationers who wander off and ultimately get left behind.
As the vacationers meet back up on the beach and discover they have been left behind, the adventure begins!
They talk among themselves . . . .
“Surely the crew will realize we are missing and will return immediately to pick us up!”
Won’t they?
In the meantime, those left behind will need to survive . . . . . . .
Only if they team up!
However, not everyone is on board with being marooned and the pandemonium begins!
Here’s your chance to turn a boring conference into a tropical paradise!
This Team Building Adventure gives your team a chance to:
If you are new to this type of training you will be amazed how this can bring your team together for future success!
Here’s why this type of training works:
Can the team work together?
Will the team survive?
This adventure is an excellent means of showing team members how to understand and improve the fundamentals of team dynamics.
Allow 2 – 21/2 hours for your team’s adventure.
You cannot make changes when you are focused on limitation because it shuts down creativity. In this new world market, companies who can synthesize data and experience a “aha!” moment are the companies who will succeed.
The last few decades have been monopolized by a certain type of person with a mindset that doesn’t fit into today’s world. The future belongs to a very different type of person and one with a totally creative mindset. Those companies who make a change in their thinking will be the ones who will reap the richest rewards.
This intriguing and interactive presentation will show your team how to:
Use a focused mindset rather than a defensive attitude to respond to challenges. (Used by the Navy Seal 6 Mindset)
Use self-hypnosis and mental imagery like the pro-athletes for stellar success.
Use the theater of your mind to send your subconscious mind on a search mission to provide new ideas and answers.
Rewrite the subconscious script that pulls the strings behind the scenes.
Use the magic power of recalibrating. (Those who recognize that their world has been reset, realize that thriving depends on a new a whole new mindset).
Enhance creativity to stand out in the market place.
Create emotionally engaging products.
Break away from the status quo and minutiae.
Recognize talents that potential employees and existing employees can offer your company.
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